The spread of infectious disease pathogens lead to large-scale spread of infection, which risk is high on campus where many people engage in group activities. To prevent this risk, it is necessary to have enough immunological defense, antibody, and act appropriately with the correct knowledge. When the outbreak of an infectious disease, it is necessary to take measures for preventing the spread of pathogens by sharing information. The preventive actions employed at Gifu University are based on 3 viewpoints: measures for freshman students; education and enlightenment; and measures taken when an infectious disease occurs.
Management in the case of occurrence of an infectious disease
In the event of the outbreak of an infectious disease in our university, managing information is important. This is undertaken by the Health Administration Center, and immediate decisions are made for canceling club activities and lectures by compiling information and monitoring disease occurrences. When you have an infectious disease, inform us immediately through “forms” as below. Inform also the student affaires so that you will have an appropriate accommodations.
Reporting in the case of occurrence of an infectious disease
Antibody test for 4 infectious diseases conducted for freshman students
Antibody titer tests for measles, rubella, chickenpox, and mumps are performed for all new entering students. Further, we recommend vaccination for students with insufficient titer of antibodies.
Education and enlightenment
Compulsory lectures for increasing awareness on the various vaccinations, influenza, and prevention of infectious diseases when traveling overseas are included during the first-year seminar and the special lecture on health science in the physical training course. In addition, we convey information by using our homepage under the Health Administration Center News.